Site editor

The website is published by Philspring Hostelling – Le Village (SIRET 41046526400019), company registered with the RCS of Paris under number B 410 465 264, domiciled at 20 rue d’Orsel, 75018 Paris, France.

Publication manager

Mister Chicheportiche Philippe

Adresse électronique:


Planethoster (4416 Louis-B. Mayer Laval, Quebec Canada H7P 0G1, (+1 ) 855 774 4678).

The storage of User(s) personal data is carried out in the data centers of Planethoster.

The data centers on which the website data is stored are located in France and Switzerland.

Contact us

Telephone: +33 (0)1 42 64 22 02


Address:  Philspring Hostelling – Le Village, 20 rue d’Orsel, 75018 Paris, France, France


The processing of your personal data is governed by our Privacy Policy in accordance with applicable regulations.

©2024 Le Village Montmartre

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